Sunday, May 10, 2015

Computers-MS Word


The word processor is a software package which helps to enter and edit an entire document much faster than the usual manual way.MS Word is a window based application and is normally available in the program menu or in the desktop as an icon.
The menu bar provides access to the various word commands.The toolbar contains some useful buttons which help us to access some commands very quickly.
The formatting toolbar helps to format the document.The Ruler is used to set the margin of the page and is also used to set tabs.
There are two options to work on a word document.Either you will work on the pre-existing file or you will create a new one.For this,
a)Click on File menu.
b)On the menu list that drops:
click on Open menu,for pre existing file.
Click on new menu,to create new file.
For saving a document,click on File menu and then Save.
Selecting text:
Bring cursor to left of the text.
Hold shift key.
Gradually keep on pressing the right arrow key of the keyboard.
Now, when the text is selected, we can do various formatting to the text.
Bring mouse pointer on B and then click it. Selected text becomes bold.
To bring it back to normal text, click it again.
To make the text italics, click I next to ‘B’.
To underline text, click U button next to I.

To close all opened documents, click exit in the File menu.

Adding WordArt
Select the text you want to convert into the WordArt.
Click on Insert tab.
Click on WordArt.A list of options appears.
Click on the WordArt style you want to use.
Type text.
Click OK.

Creating a Table
Click in the document where you want to insert a table.
Click on Insert.
Click on Table.
Enter rows and columns.
Word adds table to the document.

Adding Page Number
Click on Insert
Click on Page Number.
Click on location for page numbers.

Change Page Orientation

Click on Page Layout.
Click on Orientation.Orientation may be portrait or landscape.Click an option.

Word changes the orientation.

Inserting a Page Break

If you wish to start a new page at the same specific location in your document,you can insert a page break.

Click in the document where you want to insert a page break.
Click on insert tab.
Cick on page break button.

Remove Page Break

Click on Draft View button from the status bar to display the document in Draft View.
A Page break line appears.
Click on page break line and then press Delete key from the keyboard.

  Changing Alignment of Text

Text can be aligned in different ways to enhance the appearance of document.By default,Word assigns the Left Align command.

Select the text that you want to format.
Click on Home tab.
Click on one of the following buttons:
Align Left to left align text.
Center button to center text.
Align Right to right align text.
Justify button to justify text.

Changing the Line Spacing

Select the text you want to use a different line spacing.
Click on Home tab.
Click on Line spacing to display the available line spacing options.
Click on the line spacing option you want to use.

Changing the Color of Text
Select text that you want to format.
Click on Home tab.
Click on down arrow of font color.
Click on any color.

Changing the size of text
Select the text  you want to change to a different font.
Click on Home tab.
Click on down arrow of font size.
Click on the size you want to use.

Count  words in a Document

When a work requires a specific number of words,you can use word count to count the number of words.

The number of words in the document is the number across from word count.
The number of words in the document appears on the status bar.

Set Line Spacing between paragraphs

The amount of space between paragraphs of text can be changed.

Select the text that you want to format.
Click on Home tab.
Change  line spacing by line spacing option.

Creating a bullet or number list

Items in a list can be separated by beginning each item with a bullet or number.

Select the text to be formatted.
Click on Home tab.
Click on a list button.
Bullets button can be clicked to create a bulleted list.

Indenting a Paragraph

To make paragraphs in document,text can be indented.

Select the paragraph needed to be indented.
Click on Home tab.
Click on increase indent to indent the left edge of paragraph.
To decrease the indent,click on decrease indent.
Find and replace text
Click at the beginning of document.
Click on Home tab.
Type the text you want to find.
Type the text you want to use,in place of the text you typed.
Click on Find.
Inserting Symbols
Click on the location where you want a symbol to appear.
Click on insert.
Click on symbol.

Deleting  text in document
You can delete the text that is no longer needed.
Select the text that you want to delete.
Press the delete key from keyboard to remove the text.
Undo Feature
Click on open undo icon on quick access toolbar.
Word reverses the effects of the last change.
Copy and Paste
Select the text you want to copy.
Click on Home tab.
Click on copy.
Click on the location where you want to place the text.
Click on Paste.
The text will appear in the new location.
Open a saved document
Click on File tab.
Click on open button.
Recently opened documents appear on the File menu,and any of these documents can be clicked to open them.
Saving a document
Click on File tab.
Click on Save as button.

Spelling and Grammar mistakes

All the spelling and grammar errors in document can be found and corrected.

Click on Review tab.
Click on spelling and grammar button.

There is an area which displays misspelled word or grammar error.
There is also an area which displays suggestions for correcting error.

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